Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I have my First Follower.

I have been trying to post regularly, but as you can see, that is not for me. But I am trying, crocheter honor. So last week, I was followed for the first time. It was not a family or a friend trying to make me feel better, it is someone who have not meet me before. How exciting is that? So for them, I am going to make an effort to post more often. I do not want her to be bored.

To be honest, I did not think I was going to have a follower until next year. I know that it takes time to get followers, and I understand that the follower has to be interested in what you are doing. Having a follower two months in is exciting. So, this Post is dedicated to my first follower, LaCresha. I would like to say thank you for following me. I hope that you enjoy my post.

P.S. I followed back to Crechet.

♥ Jam