Monday, April 18, 2011

Information on Brooklyn's and Jonathan Blanket

As I promised, here is the information on the Diagonal Striped Blanket pattern that I used for Brooklyn's and Jonathan's blankets.

I originally found the pattern on Joann's website, however, the instructions were very confusing. So, I went to Lion Brand Yarn and found better instructions. If you would like to see the instructions on Lion Brand, you will have to sign up. Do not worry, it is free to sign up, and all the patterns that are listed are free so it is worth it.

The beginning of the pattern, you will crochet a triangle. That is correct a triangle. The side that you are stitching will get longer, and longer, and longer, and you will add more and more stitches. The 'ends' or the actually sides of the blanket will be relatively shorter than the side you are working. What you will have to keep in mind will be how long do you want the bottom. Why? The bottom will actually be one of the sides. So measure the sides.

The second step, you will make an oblong polygon. That is the only way I can describe it. You will continue to increase one of the 'side' This is actually the side of the blanket and it will become very long. The sides of your blanket will be determined by this long side. When you stop increasing, that will be how long the other side will be.

The bottom of the blanket will be complete, but you will start working on the second side. I know it sounds very confusing, just hang in there. While working on the side, it will be very short in comparison to the other side. You are actually decreasing stitches to create the angle.

The final step is to decrease on both sides. This will create the top of the blanket, and continue to increase the shorter side. Do not worry, when you finish, you will have a rectangle.

Brooklyn's Blanket

Pictures of Brooklyn's Blanket

Brooklyn's blanket was like a test blanket for me. I took it about about five different times, I and almost gave up.  I had to count the stitches in each row, and still made mistakes. My last weekend working on the blanket, I realized that I had the wrong amount of stitches, and had to take is apart. The pattern requires that you keep odd stitches in each row. No matter what!! If at any time you have even stitches, you made a mistake.

Also, I assumed that the pattern was a four row pattern, but in reality it is in eight rows. The pattern can be shorten or lengthen as long as you stop the increase on the eighth row. I stopped on the fourth row, so Brooklyn's is a little oblong. lol.

For the border, I played around. I think that it came out really cute, and I enjoyed working on it.

Johnathan's Blanket

Pictures of Jonathan's Blankets.

Jonathan's blanket to me has been a piece of cake. I mean, I had a lot of practice with Brooklyn's. lol

Continue to watch my progress on crocheting 32 blankets

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